In an ever more competitive job market, it is clear that the majority of companies are seeking to improve their quality of service. In this context, the concept of employee training is undoubtedly a central topic that leads companies to look for ever more efficient ways to increase the skills of their teams and in particular their sales forces who are in the front line vis-à-vis customers. This observation is all the more relevant in sectors in tension or in professions where innovation leads employees to continuously integrate complex data to inform customers.
An increasingly important search for interaction
Companies seek to set up training plans that allow them to handle as many use cases as possible and to put their employees in an environment close to that found in the field. But such an exercise is particularly complex, especially for large companies that have to train several hundred employees.
It is in this sense that the courses traditionally taught seem to evolve considerably. Indeed, the traditional “face-to-face” devices seem to lose their attractiveness. This observation is finally explained quite simply. Digital has opened new reflexes and helps to position training not as a constraint on employees, but as a new experience generating better performance and professional development.
How artificial intelligence has revolutionized the market in training
As we have mentioned, the search for optimal interactivity has become a key to success in training. On this point, artificial intelligence and machine learning have changed the game by creating dynamic training scenarios that interact in real time based on learners’ responses.
Employees are thus in situations comparable to those they might encounter at points of sale for example. It should also be noted that other technologies seem to be inviting themselves into the debate to go even further in terms of training experience. One of the most visible and in strong development is the one related to augmented reality and 3D. This can be explained in particular by the fluidity of the proposed experience which once again brings the learner closer to his real work environment.
Through these different elements, it appears that the world of vocational training is undergoing profound changes. This evolution should be accentuated in the coming years with the digital push that is leading companies to transform and change their management and governance. The training and human resources streams should follow this underlying trend.
Source: Pitchboy
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